Bonus day
Up WAY too early - our flight departed around 8:30, and we still had to be at the airport a few hours beforehand, despite everybody having formally checked in yesterday. It was tough sleeping last night, because the room was HOT - it was cold and rainy outside, but the window wouldn't stay open, so air circulation was poor. Plus - the couple next door was pretty drunk and yapping pretty loudly until very late. Luckily, there's nothing to do today, since it's a travel day, and it's a bonus day that shouldn't have even happened.
Breakfast was a bit odd - some good croissants (it's tough to find a truly bad one in France), OJ, coffee, butter, preserves, etc. But it was the baguette that was strange, or more so the manner in which it was served - a bunch of them placed on the tables, so people were ripping off chunks for themselves. I hope that everybody washed their hands before eating! Dirty or not, the baguette was really good, crusty and chewy. I just hope the crustiness was because of the crust, and not because of poor hygiene practices of the fellow guests that handled the bread before me.
Off to the airport - not the usual sad feeling that happens when going home, probably because those feelings got out of my system yesterday, when I thought I was leaving. The airport was dead being so early, and I wasn't sure why we needed to check in more than two hours before the flight, given that we all arrived by buses, more or less at the same time. A small terminal, there wasn't much to walk around and see. Beyond some duty-free shopping, this morning's activities consisted of plonking down on a bench and trying to catch some sleep.
I don't remember much of what transpired on the plane, but can guess that it involved some bad food, mediocre movies, and cramped legs. I do remember some horrific headphones given out by the flight attendants - the kind that fit inside of your ears, they were PAINFUL!!! Circular but for some unfathomable reason, with a tapered point that was quite sharp, it scratched the inside of the ears. And they were huge! Who's got big enough earholes to accommodate these??? Were these headphones designed for Dumbo the elephant??? Or Mickey Mouse? Why???
Perhaps it was the distraction of the pain in my ears, but the flight seemed to pass by very quickly. Towards the end of the flight, I realized that the engaged "couple" from last night had spent quite a bit of time together on the flight. Hmmm ... wouldn't it be funny if they actually ended up together after that charade? Stranger things have happened ... perhaps an obstacle is that the flight was continuing on to Vancouver, where she was from, and he was getting off in Calgary. It's only a short flight between the two cities, so who knows! If I was a millionaire, I'd fly to Spain just to have a cafe con leche and do some Spanish senorita watching, so a one hour flight to Vancouver pales in comparison. Of course, if I was a millionaire, I'd probably be retired in Spain, wiling away the days drinking cafe con leche ... and Spanish senorita watching ...
The next thing you knew, we were back in sunny Calgary. For all my desire to travel and be elsewhere, Calgary still has a certain charm to it and for now, it is still home. Having a new place to live in definitely is something to look forward to, as is the lifestyle change that will perhaps go with it. But I am definitely NOT looking forward to unpacking all those boxes, organizing everything, and buying all new furniture. Maybe selling everything I had wasn't such a great idea, after all!
So this ends another trip, another great experience, that was wonderful for perhaps different reasons than previous trips. France was memorable, but probably more for the time spent in Sarlat, and the copious amounts of pastries consumed, than anything else. I don't have too much desire to return to Normandy, and have much less desire to return to Amboise.
Toulouse merits a return visit, not really for its sights, but to enjoy the buzz and lifestyle. I thought it was funny that Naoual mentioned Toulouse as being a city she could live in, because I wholeheartedly agree. It's one of those fairly rare places that would be more fun to live in, rather than visit - big enough to have a nice buzz, but not too big. Plus, with the beautiful south of France weather, beautiful French women who look a bit Spanish, beautiful French food, and the beautiful French language, what's not to like?
And of course, Spain ... what can I say about this country that I haven't already said a hundred times before? I've run out of superlatives years ago, and it's quite possible that such superlatives don't even exist to adequately describe this phenomenal country. I'm no longer sure if this overwhelming desire to travel is actually about seeing the world, or if it's about always needing to return to Spain or countries that share similarities with Spain. Seeing the world may only be a byproduct of this, albeit a very nice one.
Who knows ... but whatever the reason truly is, it still results in some beautiful and incredible moments. Whatever it is that I seem to be needing, whatever it is that I am lacking, it's usually out there while I am traveling, and is present everywhere in Spain - it's the land of infinite mojo! And yes, the senoritas are still by far Spain's largest draw, but there is just something about that country that calls to me. Perhaps it's the voices of millions of Spanish women seemingly chanting in unison, in a manner redolent of such impossibly cute Spanish sweetness ... but it could also be that being in Spain assuages that voice inside that sometimes murmurs "You're still not living the life you were meant to live."
So what might that life be? I still haven't figured that out, but it likely involves drinking lots of cafe con leche, basking in the Spanish sun, continuing to improve my Spanish, and with that, continuing to improve my chances with the senoritas This past trip to Spain was the longest since my first visit there, and it was incredible. It was the first time I've really been fully immersed in the language, with no need to speak even a single word of English, though it was only for the first week of the trip. I'm still merely a tourist in Spain, but this time it felt like ... home ... like I'd finally made a connection with the people. It really makes me wonder ... what would it be like to live here? I've always toyed with the idea, but as more of a joke than anything else.
Perhaps it's time to seriously entertain the thought, especially since I've now discovered so many great places up north. I've always known that I would love living in Barcelona or San Sebastian, but now know that La Coruna or Santander would also be awesome places. It'll probably need to be somewhere close to the ocean, so any of the aforementioned cities would do ... proximity to beautiful Spanish senoritas is of course paramount, but that's a given anywhere in Spain. Living in Spain has always been just talk, so we'll see if it develops into anything more. Maybe next summer, it won't be another "Going to Spain" blog, but a "Moving to Spain" one.
So as always, the final blog entry needs to end off with a song that will forever be linked with that particular trip. Usually, the choice of song makes itself apparent at some point during the course of the trip, through an experience or epiphany. Other times, it isn't clear what the song will be until I return home, and have time to digest the experience. But this time, like last year, I knew what the song would be even before leaving the country. And also like last summer when there were two songs, it's also by ... Jimmy Eat World!
"I'm alone in this, I'm all as I've always been, Right behind what's happening" - those lyrics so perfectly describe that feeling of never knowing what's going on, and of always being one step behind everything. It's that feeling of realizing something a little too late, and going "Huh ... I wish I knew that beforehand ... " In a way, the name of the song is also fitting - because no matter what, some how, some way ... my heart will always be in Spain.
Always Be
Could've been a night like any other One of us has to drive One of us gets to think I'll force a laugh to break the silence It's gonna get harder still Before it gets easy You can't keep safe what wants to break
I'm alone in this I'm all as I've always been Right behind what's happening She's all lost in this She's a light she'll always be A little far for me to reach
I was just a boy like every other I thought I was something fierce I thought I was ten times smarter Love would be something that I just know (Something I just know) How you gonna know the feeling till you've lost it I've been losing plenty since
I'm alone in this I'm all as I've always been Right behind what's happening She's all lost in this She's a light she'll always be A little far for me to reach
Maybe something else I'm missing Something good and you're the reason It's a dream but there's a real world waiting
I'm alone in this I'm all as I've always been Right behind what's happening She's all lost in this She's a light she'll always be A little far for me to reach
I'm alone in this I'm all as I've always been Right behind what's happening She's all lost in this She's a light she'll always be A little far for me to reach
Posted by vagabondvoyager 17:00 Archived in Canada Comments (0)